Mrs. Kunti Mathura, Director, Sai Institute of Education West Indies; Senior Trainer
BA General -English, Spanish; Dip. Ed., MA Education, Cert Leadership and Management.
Has served in the public education sector at secondary and tertiary level- with over three decades of experience at secondary level
Has done extensive work in the field of Sathya Sai Education in Human Values for over three decades. Has worked both regionally and internationally in the field of SSEHV.

Mrs Marlene Jahoor (Senior Trainer)
Associate in Arts, City College of San Francisco; BA California State University; Bachelor of Fine Arts Open Program, California College of Arts and Crafts, Oakland, California USA
Has served in Sathya Sai Education for over forty years.
Mrs Tara Seepersad (Senior Trainer)
Teacher’s Diploma, B.Ed Primary Education with specialization in Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE), M.Ed Education.
Served in primary level education for four years, secondary level for thirty years, ECCE teacher for one year and ECCE Administrator for six years.
Taught two modules at The University of the West Indies, St Augustine (Certificate in ECCE and Administration for Primary schools.
Has served in the field of Sathya Sai Education for over three decades.